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Sebastian Leidig
By Sebastian Leidig
4 articles

Importing data from a spreadsheet (CSV file)

Aam Digital provides a visual user interface to help you import data from other formats through the common "CSV" file format. Any spreadsheet (MS EXCEL, Google Sheets, etc.) can be saved in as a .csv file and then imported to Aam Digital. The app then guides your through the process of mapping data into the correct fields. In this guide, we will demonstrate how to upload a file containing multiple beneficiaries. You can also watch the following video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYyArbZCp6Y Importing data from spreadsheet 1. Click on "Import" from the main menu. You can also find the "Import from file" functionality in the three-dot-menu at the top right of any list in Aam Digital 2. Upload a CSV file. You can save any spreadsheet (MS Excel, Google Sheets, etc.) as a CSV file and import it to Aam Digital. (In this example, we are uploading a file with data of multiple children of a school) Then click on "Continue" (at the top right of the import screen). 3. Based on the uploaded file, you can choose the entity type to import. This tells the system where to create new records from your file (e.g., selecting “Child” means the data from your spreadsheet will be added to the “Children” list of Aam Digital.) You can import data for any of your types. 4. The "Map Columns" step shows a list of all the columns from your imported file. Here you select into which field in Aam Digital each column from you file should get imported. In case you don’t select any field here for an entry, the system will ignore that column and the data for these fields will be blank in the record. 1. For certain types of Aam Digital fields, like dropdowns or dates, a button "Configure value mapping" appears after you select that field for a column. With this, you can configure for each unique value in the imported records how it should match to the corresponding data format in Aam Digital’s structure (e.g. so that a date's day and month are correctly detected). 5. Finally, continue to the last step "Review Data" You can preview the data with the mapping done in the previous step here. The table shown here is exactly how the records will be added to your system when you run the import. You can also navigate back to the previous steps to make changes. 6. Once it is mapped according to your configuration. You can "Start Import". 7. After importing, you can view the newly created records in the normal list of your system. Linking imported records with individual "parent" entities When you import a spreadsheet of survey responses or exam results, these often include the name of a person they relate to. In this sense your imported data rows include a column with a "reference" to an existing record (e.g. that person's profile) in Aam Digital. You can use the import's data mapping to link each item to its correct person. Please refer to the video guide here, showing how to configure such links during the import: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYyArbZCp6Y Linking imported records to one fixed related entity Other than the scenario described above, you sometimes may need to link all the imported records to the same selected entity. For example, you may import a list of participants and want to create a participant record for each row of your import and then additionally select one "Activity" in your system to which all of the new records shall be linked also. The following steps show how you can do this: When files are imported into the Aam Digital system, the system also provides additional functionalities to the user. You can link these imported records to various pre-defined activities in the system or another entity. This linking process is optional; you can import files without associating activities with the records. This feature helps reduce your workload by simplifying the process of associating an event or activity with multiple beneficiaries. For example, if you are importing the data of multiple “Children” to the system, you can use this advanced functionality to link these children to an entity like a school and also link the children to a recurring activity like attendance tracking in the system. 1. While configuring an import as shown above, in the step "Select Import Type(s)", click on "Advanced Import Actions" to link a record with one or more entities. 2. You can link the imported records to any other entity in your Aam Digital system, if your data structures have some fields linking the two record types. For example, you could link Child records to a School or Activity. 3. After selecting what kind of link you need, select the particular existing record in the system. e.g. choose the specific activity or school in from the system. 4. Continue and complete the normal import process (see above). After creating new records from your imported file, the system will also automatically create links based on what you configured here. Undoing an import Aam Digital provides an option to undo the upload of any files you have imported. On the first step of the Import page you see all your previous imports listed on the right side. By clicking the "Undo Import" button, you can remove the records that were created through that import from the Aam Digital system, along with any associated records and links created during the import process. This functionality is especially useful when you realize you have uploaded duplicate data or incorrect files. Instead of deleting each record and its multiple links one by one, the undo import feature allows you to delete all relevant records at once.

Last updated on Mar 13, 2025