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Setup and configuration related questions
Sebastian Leidig
By Sebastian Leidig
7 articles

User Roles & Permissions

Aam Digital offers a configurable access control system to limit user permissions. Users can be assigned one or more roles that can limit permissions on various levels: - limit access to selected types of data (e.g. restricting sensitive health or learning details) - limit access to selected groups of records (e.g. allowing access only to beneficiaries at a specific location) - limit access to selected documents (e.g. users can only access individually assigned notes) - limit selected actions (e.g. allowing only coordinators to register new beneficiaries) User management is based upon the Keycloak system, which offers options for integration with other single-sign-on providers, 2-factor-authentication and advanced authentication options. also see: - Data Security one-pager - User Guide: Invite & Disable users User Roles A role defines a set of access rules that give users permissions regarding certain data records. One role usually defines several rules that logically depend on each other. This keeps user management simple, as you only have to assign one (or very few) roles to each user. (e.g. one role could give read-only access to all participant records and also permission to create and update notes). for details about the available access rules, see below Roles are assigned to individual user accounts. A user can also be assigned to multiple user permission roles. The permissions of each role are then combined to give that user access to the combination of all the roles’ access rights. (e.g. a user could be assigned roles of “health worker” and “teacher”, giving access to health and education details for that account) Access Rules An access rule defines a subset of data and an allowed action that this user role is allowed to take on the given subset of data Actions that can be granted/restricted are: - create: add new data records - read: access existing data records - update: edit existing data records - delete: completely remove existing data records Subsets of data can be defined by a combination of: - Entity type (e.g. Participants / Notes / Events / …) - Value of a field of the record (e.g. participants with “gender” = “male”; events with “status” = “approved”) - (!) it is not possible to use “indirect values” for permissions (e.g. participants whose linked school is located in region X) - Link to the current user (e.g. notes where the user is included in the “authors” field) - Link to a “project” entity that the current user is added to (e.g. the user’s profile is linked to several “project” entities, participant records are also linked to a project entity, the user receives access only to those participants that are linked to the same project that the user account is linked to) Example: Rules for approval workflow Roles: - manager - Access to all records - All actions (read / update / delete) - fieldworker - Access to records linked to own user account - Allowed to create and read these records - Allowed to edit records only if the record’s “status” field is “to be reviewed” Scenario / Workflow: (exact fields and status categories below can be freely customized for your specific system) 1. fieldworker registers new participant. 1. → creates new record in Aam Digital. 2. “registered by” field of the new record is automatically pre-filled with a link to the user account. This gives the team clarity who recorded this data and grants the fieldworker continued access to this new record 3. “status” field of the new record is automatically pre-filled to “to be reviewed”. This gives the manager an indication to check this record (and approve it) and allows the fieldworker to continue editing the record making corrections. 2. manager approves the new participant. 1. → edits the record created by the field worker and checks the details. 2. manager changes the “status” field to “approved”. This gives the team an indication that this record has been checked. The fieldworker can still see the record (he/she is still assigned in the “registered by” field) 3. … but the fieldworker now cannot edit the information anymore (because the status is not “to be reviewed”). This ensures there are no accidental changes that contradict the approval. 3. … the manager at any time can also change the status of a record back to “to be reviewed”, which allows the fieldworker to again edit the record and make corrections until the manager changes the status again.

Last updated on Sep 14, 2024

Adding a new field to a profile form

Aam Digital is extremely customizable and you can easily change the fields and data structures of your record types (e.g. add an additional phone number field to the "student" profile - or change anything else around this). You can even create as many new "record types" as you need to manage your specific project (e.g. adding "school", "village" or other lists of related records with their own profiles). In this guide, we explain how you can change the form of an existing record type. As an example here, we'll walk you through the process of adding a "mother's name" field to the "Children" record type. (You can follow along in our interactive demo system: demo.aam-digital.com) 1. Open the Admin UI for the record type: 1. navigate to the list of Children (or open a child's details) 2. click the three-dot menu in the top right 3. select "Edit Data Structure" 2. Navigate to the "Details View" section of the Admin UI: 1. Now you see a preview of your profile view for that record type. You can edit the fields and layout here by dragging and dropping elements. 3. Drag & drop the "Create New Field" block from the sidebar on the right into the place in your form where you want to see the new field 4. When you drop this somewhere in the form preview, a popup opens to configure the newly created field. 1. Add a "label" (the text that will be displayed to users) 2. Select a "type". For our example this will simply be "text". 3. The type defines what kind of data can be entered in this field. Apart from simple text you can also define dropdown fields, links to other records, file attachments or other special field types. 4. 5. Save the popup form. Your new field is now shown in the preview. 5. You can also display the new field in the list of all records. 1. These steps to display the field in the list are optional. You can also just add the field to the details profile and skip this. 2. Switch to "List View" on the left of the Admin UI to display the new field in your overall table of all children also 3. Click the "+" button at the bottom of the page below the preview of the currently displayed table columns 4. Activate the "toggle" by clicking on the name of your field to display it in that list view 6. Save the Admin View overall, using the "Save" button on the top right of the page 7. You can now use your new field whenever you create or edit a "Child" record.

Last updated on Sep 16, 2024

Getting Started configuring & customizing your system

Aam Digital is very flexible and you can customize the structures and views to exactly fit your project's needs. This article gives a general overview of the steps to customize your system - both the "technical" tasks and the processes we recommend for your internal planning and change management. Steps of a typical setup process 1. Get initial access to your Aam Digital system 2. Configure basic data structures and interface 3. Test this "prototype" with a small group of your team 4. Refine the configuration 5. Import existing data (if needed) [see Importing data] 6. Introduce your team to the new system [see User Training] 7. Start day-to-day use officially; Make further reviews and adjustments Configuring a custom system 1. Define the primary "entity types" that you manage in your system 1. e.g. Students and Schools; or Patients, Health Workers and Clinics 2. "entity types" are the different kinds of records you keep data on. You can view these as lists or in a detailed profile view for one selected record 2. Define the "secondary" entity types, the data that you want to record related to your primary entities above 1. e.g. Notes, Exam Results and School Attendance; or Vaccination Details and Health Camp Events 2. Technically, these entity types work the same like your primary entities. However, it can be helpful to think of these two categories of records you manage when designing a new system. 3. Add relevant form fields to entity types 1. e.g. name, date of birth and address fields for your Student profile 2. Detailed guide to using the Form Builder: Adding a new field to a profile form 4. Add relationships between entity types 1. e.g. Showing a list of the Notes related to a Student in that student's profile view 2. TODO: EXPLANATION 3. (not supported in Admin UI yet - please set this up with the technical support team) 5. Test & Improve

Last updated on Nov 14, 2024

User Training

How can you prepare your team to use Aam Digital and get comfortable with the new software? Our vision is to make Aam Digital so intuitive that you don't need any training or additional documentation. It can be useful to organize a short introduction to the system for your team. In such a "training session" you can ideally achieve two things: Get everyone comfortable with the software; And agree on the processes and details how you want to use the system as a team. Understanding Aam Digital functionalities As part of (paid) setup packages, our team at Aam Digital organizes an interactive online training session for your team. If you are familiar with your system, you can easily do such a training yourself also. We are sharing some suggestions and learning here below: - Slides: Basic User Training (Google Slides) - feel free to copy these slides and make adjustments - some slides are available in multiple alternatives for different use cases (e.g. for "event management" or "case management" focused systems/users). Notice the tag on the top right of the slide and skip those that are not relevant for your audience. - Try to add some interactive practice to the session itself. - Let your team members log into the system with their account, click around and create a test record. This gives a much clearer understanding and removes the initial doubts and hesitation that people often still have after training. Discuss how you want to use the system Introducing a software is not only a technical question. In fact, the more challenging part often is that your whole team agrees and adjusts to a new process. This may just mean to use the new software instead of the tools you used for this before. But it can also mean to change some other habits, like documenting more details than you previously did. 1. Which common tasks are now done in Aam Digital? 1. Discuss when and what everyone should record in the new system. Compare how and where the team previously recorded something like attendance or registered a new participant and where they should do that now in Aam Digital. 2. Do you need to move existing data? When does everyone have to start using the new system? 1. If you still have old systems in place, discuss when you make the switch. 2. It can create problems if some people still use or update data in the old system while others use the new system already. In that case it will not be clear what the latest information is. 3. How do you want to use the new features that Aam Digital offers? 1. How can Aam Digital become a tool that saves your time and makes things easier? 2. What can Aam Digital help you achieve that previously was not even possible, because you did not have the necessary information?

Last updated on Nov 14, 2024

Creating a "Public Form" for external users

The Aam Digital case management platform at its core is designed for you as a team to manage all relevant data. We are not primarily a data collection or survey form tool. However, you can allow outside people, who do not have a user account for your system, to submit new data - for example, letting participants self-register so that you don't have to type contact details from some other form into your database. This is what "Public Forms" are for. The link to a public form can be shared with anybody, they can fill the fields, and the submitted data directly creates a new record in your Aam Digital system. To create a new Public Form, open the Admin interface ("Edit Data Structure") for the list/record that the form should collect data for: In the Admin UI for the record type, you can manage all Public Forms for that type. Navigate to the "Public Forms" section on the left menu within the Admin UI: Then either select an existing Public Form to edit it or use the "+" button of that table to create a new one. You can configure description and the link for the Public Form. Copy the link from the "Form Link ID" field and share it with people to use the form: Use the tabs ("General Settings", "Configure Fields", ...) to also configure other aspects of the form. "Configure Fields" using the drag&drop form builder to define which fields are visible to the person filling this form: "Configure Pre-filled Values" to fix some field to a certain value without the user filling that into the form manually. This is especially important if you want to mark the records that were created through the form. You can then filter the list of your data to find and review submitted data, for example:

Last updated on Feb 06, 2025