You can manage user accounts yourself within the Aam Digital application, if your account has the required "account_manager" permission role.
Navigate to the Users list
Click the "Create New" button to add a new record (or open an existing record to edit that user)
When creating a new user account, there are two steps:
Create the "profile" record by filling and saving the initial form (1) + (2). This makes that person available in the system to link records with, e.g. assign notes or tasks to this profile.
Create the "account" for login to the platform by navigating to the "User Account & Security" tab in the record. Fill the email, assign user roles and then "send invitation" to that email.
The system then sends an automatic message to that email id with a link to create an initial password, enabling that user to log in and access your Aam Digital system.
also see User Roles & Access Permissions
Deactivate User Account
To deactivate an account and prevent that person from login into your Aam Digital system, also edit that User record's details:
Open User Details from the user list
Select the “Security” or “User Account” tab
Click “Edit” in that tab
Now the “Deactivate user” button is visible,
Click that to block logins for that user.
You can also activate that user account again by “Edit” from the tab