Home Administration Integration with TolaData

Integration with TolaData

Last updated on Feb 11, 2025

Aam Digital offers an API to integrate with other systems automatically by linking the servers. For example, we collaborate closely with TolaData, a digital platform for organisations to track, manage and visualize results. Integrating your Aam Digital case management system with TolaData allows you to get dashboards, indicators and visualizations of your logframe and targets in real-time, based on the participants and activities your team records in Aam Digital.

Set up API integration

Reach out to your Aam Digital tech support to receive an API key that allows the external system access to selected reports of your data. This initial activation of the API is something you cannot do yourself in the application at the moment. We are happy to support you with the setup overall.

In your TolaData system, you can add integration with your Aam Digital system from the "Data tables" section through the "Import table" menu:

  • the Customer URL represents the API endpoint (e.g. my-system.aam-digital.app/api/v1)

  • the Keycloak URL represents the Authentication server, including your system's custom "realm" (e.g. keycloak.aam-digital.com/realms/my-system/protocol/openid-connect/token)

  • Client ID and Client secret are access credentials provided by your technical server administrator