2025 Check-In Videos for Volunteers
Thank you for joining us as a volunteer and helping with Check-In! You help us put our best foot forward when attendees
Below are a few short videos to familiarize you with the screens and common workflow. But first a few notes:
1. Check-In serves as access control for the event. All attendees need to check-in whenever they arrive to the event,
often daily, sometimes a few times a day.
2. This helps us know how many people attend and what days and times are most popular.
A lead and/or member of the organizing team will always be available for assistance and triaging any issues whenever
check-in volunteers are working a shift.
Have questions? For assistance, text Andrea Bazoin at (970) 459-7400 or Charles Howes at (207) 233-8155.
Check-In Instructions
Here are the full written instructions in a Google Doc >
To help you know what to expect, here are a few short videos giving you a tour of the check-in process.
The most common steps will be:
1. First time arrival: Scan their QR code on their phone OR Look them up in the Check-In Portal -> Check them in on the
screen -> ** Look to see if they have a pre-printed badge (should be notice on the screen); find their badge and/or
give them a blank badge -> Send them into the event
2. Returning Attendee with QR Code: Scan their QR code on their phone or badge -> Check them in on the screen -> send
them into the event
There are two types of Check-Ins:
1. Event Check-In – Scan in/Sign in at least once per day. It doesn’t hurt to scan additional times if they leave and
come back.
2. Session Check-In – We have different tickets or emphasis on certain sessions and we may use the Session Check-In
feature to have more granular data on attendees.
Event Check-In will be the most common workflow!
Video tour of Event Check-In
Attendee Experience:
FIFC Check-In Manager:
Notice the Ticket Types:
Common Sched Issues: