Q: Are tickets required for the the event?
Yes, everyone who attends Founded in FoCo must register for a ticket. While we encourage pre-registration, you may also register the day of the event.
Q: Do you really need to RSVP to sessions?
The short answer is: Yes!
To help everyone get the most out of the event, we encourage you to RSVP in advance to sessions so we can better anticipate how many people are interested in attending. We may even move a session to a bigger room if it looks like it will be popular.
We'll provide priority seating to those who have RSVPed for the session in advance up until 5-min before the session starts. Afterwards, we'll allow those on the waitlist and walk-ins to be seated.
We want to minimize barriers to participation as much as possible, so please get in touch with us if you have questions or concerns. We're committed to doing our best to accommodate everyone who would like to participate.