We're committed to making your experience as a presenter as smooth and stress-free as possible (we can't actually present for you though).
Here's what to expect for your session:
Room host: We'll do our best to have a room host who will guide you through getting setup for your session. They will also be responsible for a quick introduction at the beginning of the session.
Sound: The room will have at least one microphone.
Projector/Screen: there will be a hookup for your computer so you can share a presentation.
We'll have the most common computer hookups/dongles
Bring your own dongle if you have an unusual machine
Clicker/Remote: we'll do our best to have a handheld clicker you can plug in to your computer to advance the slides.
Are Session RSVPs required?
Yes! We'll provide priority seating to those who have RSVPed in advance up until 5-min before the session starts. Afterwards, we'll allow those on the waitlist and walk-ins to be seated.